Kayaking in Liberty State Park, New Jersey

Kayaking in Liberty State Park, New Jersey

Kayaking in Liberty State Park
Kayaking in Liberty State Park

A tidal wetlands with great blue herons and egrets fishing . . . skimmers swooping down to pluck dinner from the water . . . oyster shells shimmering on a sandy beach . . . and all within sight of the concrete canyons of Manhattan. And what better way to enjoy these sights than from a kayak, paddling across the waters of New York Harbor.

Kayaks at Caven Point
Kayaks at Caven Point

We have always wanted to kayak around Liberty State Park but could never find a rental service with necessary equipment in Jersey City. So when the Interpretive Center at Liberty State Park launched an eco-kayaking tour program in Liberty State Park, we quickly signed up. We meet at the canoe/kayak launch at the south side of the Park near the office, where the trailer with its ten bright yellow single-person kayaks is waiting. Each participant is issued a life jacket, given a safety briefing and shown how to handle the kayak that, in addition to a paddle, has pedals.

We paddle around the small harbor for a few minutes, familiarizing ourselves with the kayak and its steering mechanism; then in groups of twos, led by two guides, we paddle out across the channel towards Caven Point, a little-known part of Liberty State Park near the Liberty National Golf Club. Being careful to avoid the motorized boats and sailboats that fill the channel, we paddle along the left side to a small beach where we can disembark, pulling the kayaks up onto the sand. Along the banks, a great white egret stands listening silently, before suddenly plunging its head into the water after a fish. A black skimmer glides along the shore, dragging its large lower black and orange bill through the water as it flies along, looking for its next meal. A gaggle of geese and flocks of seagulls sit on the sand.

Being careful not to disturb the birds, some kayakers begin to collect plastic and other garbage that has washed up on the beach with the tide. These are loaded onto the kayaks to take back for disposal. Others take photographs or simply sit on the beach in quiet contemplation. All too soon it is time to go back. As we launch our kayaks into the water, the dramatic backdrop of Manhattan is before us, the Statue of Liberty gazing across the water. The perspective from water level is unforgettable and provides a spectacular vista. Be sure to bring a waterproof camera to capture the moment as you paddle back across the bay.

The Interpretive Center eco-kayaking tours, which are open to those 16 and over, require advance reservation and are only available on weekends through early August. Contact http://www.state.nj.us/dep/parksandforests/parks/liberty.html; Tel 201-915-3440)

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